In the middle of a crisis, chaos is often the first guest to show up uninvited. Whether it's an IT meltdown, a media fiasco, or a marketing misstep, it's easy for the stakes to overwhelm even the best of us. But here's the truth: freaking out never works. It won't solve the problem. It won’t make the pain go away. It won’t fix your business or make the people affected trust you again. Staying calm, clear, and collected—that’s the difference between being consumed by the fire or being the one who grabs the extinguisher.
At JusB, we’ve refined crisis management into what we call the C.A.R.E. Framework. This isn’t a fancy theory to keep in a binder on the shelf; this is what we use in real-life, high-stakes situations—the ones that call for strategic consultants who know how to step up when things go sideways. Let’s break it down:
C – Calm & Collect
First things first: Calm the f*ck down. I get it, that might sound blunt, but it’s the truth. When the pressure is on, staying calm isn’t optional—it’s a necessity. When I was diagnosed with cancer, my heart was pounding, my head was spinning, and fear was right there waiting to take control. But I had a tool—simple, but effective: breathe in for 4 seconds, hold it for 4, then exhale for 4. That moment taught me a lesson that applies to every crisis: approach the situation composed, or you’re already losing.
Once you’ve calmed down, it’s time to Collect the facts. Not opinions, not hearsay—the real facts. I approach this like a journalist: who, what, when, where, and how. You need to gather every relevant piece of information and, importantly, question everything. Get evidence. Just like with my diagnosis—how bad is it, what can be done, what’s the next step? The faster you understand the real picture, the sooner you can move towards a solution.
A – Assemble & Assign
No crisis is solved alone. Assemble the best team for the job, and let me emphasize: the best person, not the person you necessarily like the most. I take myself out of it—this is about the mission. Skills come first, then temperament. Who can stay calm? Who knows what they’re doing? Get them involved.
Once the team is in place, it’s time to Assign tasks. And I don’t assign based on hope. I base it on prior success. When a crisis is critical, there’s no room for "maybe they can do it." I need to know they’ve done it before. Some crises can’t afford a newbie, and that’s just reality.
R – Respond & Resolve
Responding starts with communication. Here’s where I let people know we’re aware of the issue and are investigating. No blame, no fault, just acknowledgement and a promise to keep them informed. You have to be transparent without jumping the gun. Thank them for their patience and let them know we’ll provide an update as soon as we have real answers. It’s not about deflecting—it’s about managing expectations responsibly.
Then comes the heart of it: Resolve. Fix the problem, but do it right. Whether it's an IT crisis or a PR disaster, we test our solutions. We use simulations, data, AI—whatever fits the situation. If it’s an IT issue, it happens in a development environment. If it's something else, we use the brains on the team, run through pros and cons, test our approach before we go all in. It's about balancing speed with thoroughness, because a rushed fix that falls apart isn’t a fix at all.
E – Explain & Enhance
Once the fire is out, Explain the resolution to those affected. And here’s where empathy comes in. People can smell BS a mile away, so don’t try it. Be honest, be human. If an apology is warranted, do it without compromising your legal position. If you’re clear, take responsibility. Explain what went wrong, how you fixed it, and most importantly—how you’re going to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Transparency builds trust; just be mindful of what private information needs to stay private.
Finally, Enhance. The job isn’t over when the crisis ends. We debrief, we document what worked, what didn’t, and we use it. This isn’t a cookie-cutter guide, but more like a playbook—just like a football team reviewing the footage after a game. We keep learning so we get better every time.
Why C.A.R.E. Works
C.A.R.E. isn’t just about fixing a problem—it’s about doing it in a way that reinforces trust, builds resilience, and leaves people better than they were before. At JusB, we take crises head-on, with a plan that’s practical, tested, and human. Because in the end, it’s not just about getting through the fire—it’s about coming out stronger.
Need Help? Let JusB Be Your Fixer
If you’re facing a crisis—whether it’s a PR nightmare, a cybersecurity event, or an IT disaster—don’t go it alone. JusB has the expertise to help you navigate through the chaos and come out stronger on the other side. Reach out to us, and let’s tackle the problem together.